Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Happy music

The Oak Ridge Boys are just a fun group from the 80s.  :-)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Run run run

Three is the magic number.  It's the number of miles I signed up to run on May 24th.  The Color Me Rad color fun run is going to be my first attempt at running a race in public.  My time to date is around 40 minutes, give or take a minute.  Not too shabby for an amateur 32 year old.
The health benefits of running since last October have been phenomenal.  Not only have I lost 20lbs, but I managed to get my cholesterol and blood sugar levels in check, which is something I never bothered with before turning 30.
I am happy warmer weather appears to be on the horizon so that I can practice more and maybe even get the bicycle out for a ride or two.  Sunshine and warn temps make me optimistic and happy.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

A recap

I noticed that I had some very articulate posts a few years ago and also how much has changed.
For starters, I am in my thirties now.  My youngest, Jacob, is in Kindergarten.  My oldest, Cody, is a third grader and was diagnosed with A.D.D. a year and a half ago.
I have a great job as a medical assistant in Family Medicine and OBGYN.
I have been more faithful to God and working on building my relationship with Him.
I started exercising 2 years ago and have lost a total of 30 lbs.  I also signed up to run my first 5k this May.  I am excited.  I am going to try not to be dead last.  Lol
We had the luxury of having a camper for almost 3 years.  We took a fun trip to Independence (we even took the dog) and had a blast.  I hope we can get another camper sometime in the near future.  We still have our awesome tent though and plan on using that in the meantime.
John works in town finally but is on 2nd shift, which is tough, because we hardly get to see him.  At least he has a job, right?
Well, that's all for now.  I'm going to go to bed early cuz I'm a pooped!  Lol

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

And the award

For the most inconsistent blogger goes to me.  It's been about 3 years since my last blog post.  I guess it's been a busy 3 years.
I finished school and found a good job as a Medical Assistant.  I love what I do and the people I work with.
My boys are in kindergarten and third grade now.  Seems crazy to think but they are growing up.  Heck, just looking at my profile picture of them reminds me of how much they've changed in just 3 years.
Now since it is the season of Lent, let's see if my blogging improves or if I continue to hold the award.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Soap box

I would consider myself a good listener.  I don't know what always to say to people but I will listen and listen sincerely.  Sometimes when I'm listening, I will hear things that make my blood boil and it makes me want to do more than just listen.  I despise hearing about abuse (physical or mental), child neglect (physical or mental), religion (when it's put into a "i'm right and you're wrong" context) and politics.  Those topics, when brought up, make my listening ear want to turn into an active fist.
There's more but these are enough to show that folks simply do not think about other people or their feelings before saying or doing anything.  We live in such a selfish, self-righteous society that it makes me sad and a little nauseated. 
Abuse and child neglect are as common as ice cream on a hot summer day and no one seems to care.  I am frustrated at our legal system for this.  I mean, someone can sue McDonalds for putting that coffee is "hot" on their cups?  Really?  I mean REALLY???  And politics?  I am ashamed to be a registered voter sometimes.  Government has become a joke.  You can't believe anything they say.  They are all liars!  It's all about money and helping out illegal immigrants.  Holy cow!
Religion.  I was born and raised Roman Catholic.  I like being Roman Catholic.  Does that mean that everyone else is wrong in what they believe just because they are not Roman Catholic?  No.  Read the bible.
Prayer is what's lacking.  If everyone would spend some time talking to God EVERY day and listening to what He has to say, we would be in alot better shape and we could live in religious peace.
So . . . yeah.  I think that's it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hello 2011!!!

I can't believe I haven't posted anything since December 2010.  Well . . .
I started school in January 2011 and it's been interesting, to say the least.  Working full-time and taking care of the boys when John is out of town most of the time is a challenge in and of itself.  I just added school to my plate and wham!  I have no life til May 11th.  I get the summer off and start again in August 2011, that is, if I can pass this semester.  It's been a toughy.  The line-up is as follows:
Anatomy and Physiology
Computer Applications
Medical Terminology
Biology Review
CPR for Healthcare Providers
It's about as much fun as it looks.  Oh what I will do for a better life . . . and to get out of working retail.  I just hope I can do it.  Science and me have never gotten along, ever since high school.  Now I'm diving head first into it trying to find my way as a Medical Assistant.
I don't think I've uttered the words "I'm bored" for several months now.  Life is breezing by and I've resorted to calendars, reminders and beepers to keep it all straight.  My memory isn't what it used to be.  Now I feel bad for making fun of my mom when I was a teenager and she couldn't remember something I told her 30 min. earlier.  I will have to apologize for that. 
Well, I can't think of anything else.  This semester is over on May 11th so I will update then.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Purple Giraffes

Red elephants, yellow panthers, blue lions and pink turtles . . .

So yes, 2010 is gone tomorrow night as of midnight.  It's been quite a year for our family.  Some top ten highlights (in no particular order):

1.) Cody lost his first tooth!!!  I was lucky enough to be the one to pull it too.  I hate doing that because I had some teeth pulled as a child and it was NEVER a pleasant experience.  He made it through, though, and was excited in anticipation of a visit from the tooth fairy. 

2.) John got a new job.  It needed to be done and it's a financial improvement over the old one.  He seems happier too.  All pluses!!!

3.) I decided to make a career change and enrolled in school (which starts in less than a week).  It's a bit scary to think about.  I haven't been to school in eight years.  It'll be worth it though.  A better life is on the horizon!

4.) Jacob is trying to conquer potty training.  Nothing special about that, I know.  For my kids (and me) though, it seems like a endless, daunting task.  I wish they just woke up one morning potty trained and never had an "accident".  I know, keep dreaming!

5.) John got the truck of his dreams.  Not a big deal to anyone else but he will never need a new vehicle again!!! 

6.) My brother got engaged.  I don't want to sound mean but I didn't think that would happen until he was in his late 30s so I am happy he proved me wrong.  She is a great person and I am excited to have her as an "in-law".

7.) I watched EVERY episode of Little House on the Prairie this year.  It's not as easy as it sounds. 

8.) Cody started Kindergarten at Colwich and just LOVES it!  I was worried, at first, because it is all day Kindergarten but he seems to be getting along great and making good friends.

9.) We got our first LCD tv against my will but it's pretty cool.  I just didn't see kids and a brand new tv getting along very well.  Our old one died and apparently NO ONE fixes them anymore because of the "digital transition".  I'm not sure I believe that 100%.

10.) The family started going camping together this last summer.  It went REALLY well!  We all loved it and now our year revolves around how we can improve and maximize the camping experience the next time we venture to the lake.  5 months and counting . . .